audience n. 1.听众;观众;读者。 2.谒见;接见。 3.倾听;听取。 a large [small] audience 大量[少数]观众。 a farewell audience 告别谒见。 be given an audience 得到发言机会。 be received in audience 蒙召见,赐见。 give audience to 听取;接见;召见。 grand (sb.) an audience接见(某人),召见(某人)。 have audience of 拜谒,拜会。 in general [open] audience 当众,公然。 in sb.'s audience 当着某人面前,据某人所闻。
Audience effect is the impact that a passive audience has on a subject performing a task. It was first formally noted in various psychology studies in the early 20th century.